Product Description
beryllium copper wires of C17200/ CDA172/ CW101C
Density (g/cm3): 8.36
Density before age hardening (g/cm3): 8.25
Elastic Modulus (kg/mm2 (103)): 13.40
Thermal Expansion Coefficient (20 °C to 200 °C m/m/°C): 17 x 10-6
Thermal Conductivity (cal/(cm-s-°C)): 0.25
Melting Range (°C): 870-980
1). the units are based upon Metric.
2). the typical physical properties apply to age hardened products.
Chemical Composition
Be: 1.80-2.00%
Co+Ni: 0.20% Min.
Co+Ni+Fe: 0.60% Max.
Cu: Balance
Note: Copper plus additions equal 99.5% minimum.
Electrical Industry: Electrical Switch and Relay Blades, Fuse Clips, Switch Parts, Relay parts, Connectors, Spring Connectors, Contact Bridges, Belleville Washers, Navigational Instruments, Clips Fasteners: Washers, Fasteners, Lock Washers, Retaining Rings, Roll Pins, Screws, Bolts Industrial: Pumps, Springs, Electrochemical, Shafts, Non Sparking Safety Tools, Flexible Metal Hose, Housings for Instruments, Bearings, Bushings, Valve Seats, Valve Stems, Diaphragms, Springs, Welding Equipment, Rolling Mill Parts, Spline Shafts, Pump Parts, Valves, Bourdon Tubes, Wear Plates on Heavy Equipment, Bellows